Wednesday, March 02, 2005

america doesn't care pt. 2

president george w. bush has decided that the state of the union... or the economy is not strong. he realizes that while he was accusing john kerry of proposing to spend a lot of money, he himself was actually spending a lot of it.

how shameful does this become when the things that the president used to get re-elected (see education) he very quickly has proposed to cut. department of education "he would kill 48 of its programs worth $4.3 billion and cut two others.". sure you could say, oh hogwash, these are programs that were useless and just wasting money anyways. that'd be completely legitimate, except that if you look at the 48 programs most of them are pretty legitimate sounding to me.

adult education state grants
teacher quality enhancement program
supported employment
projects with industry
vocational rehan
some scholarships
elementary and secondary school counseling
literacy programs for prisoners
women's educational equity
arts in education
civic education
interest subsidy grants
foreign language assistance
dropout prevention program
drug free school grants
interest subsidy grants
tech prep state grants
there's more and more and more and more and more

tell me mr. bush, you went to my town in front of a large crowd and talked about how community colleges were a pillar. how our economy requires people to get 21st century education for 21st century jobs. touted grants and scholarships, touted tons of things that are just proposed to be cut.

what's the best part.
america doesn't care. america elected him because they thought he was the real deal. he was pedro, he offered them their wildest dreams, and a statue of santa anna.

now the fairy tale is over and who's going to care. tommorow's conservative talking points.
-bush did what he had to do.
-bush is decisive, he saw our economy was in trouble and he made necessary cuts despite everyone's wearyness to do so.
-bush is realistic.

what is realistic though? fine i won't blame bush completely for sending the economy down the shithole. dennis schmelzer can post-election ass kiss all he wants to give reasons for economic craptasticness. what i will blame him for is for spending so much when he knew he couldn't do it. he wants to join hands and bring the nation back to fiscal responsibility?

what about spending so much money on everything? republicans touted how much of an increase education had when he was elected. war in iraq... yea that costs a lot. tax cuts... yea that costs a lot too. we forget that although the government is taking less out of our pockets, now the government has less money to do things. things that cushy americans loved. too bad. fiscal responsibility though... who cares about that when you can talk about social security blowing a godzilla sized hole in kansas come 2042.

in a week we'll all forget that Bush wanted to cut so many programs that are ridiculous. he wants to improve everything. he wants to improve airline security. OBVIOUSLY cut funding to FAA. loves veterans. OBVIOUSLY cut their veterans business development corporation. Loves small businesses. OBVIOUSLY cut their microloan program. environmentalists. well he never liked them, that's why water quality funds are proposed to be cut, epa protection for inuit villages... he loves mexicans. OBVIOUSLY cut migrant worker training programs. cut international labor affairs bereau, cut office of disability employment?

sure these may seem frivalous until you realize that real americans fall into these categories.

and nobody will care. ms. betty crocker white america will sit at home watching her soap operas and making her brownies smiling, knowing that her bush did what needed to be done. who cares that what needs to be done now could have been avoided. you can't be credited for achievement went it is to counter-act a failure. that puts you at even, skewed to the unhappy side. yet, for once, america only wants to hear the good parts. dumb asses.