Wednesday, March 02, 2005

america doesn't care pt. 1

Thursday, February 17, 2005 - 06:27 AM EST (37 views)

every day i read something new that has come to light out of the secrecy that is the bush administration. and the more we see and the longer we wait to observe the reactions, the clearer it becomes that the bush administration will never be held accountable for anything.

haliburton pulls out of iran. iran is part of the axis of evil. haliburton subsidiary makes big new deal with iran. this may not directly correlate with the administration, but this is exactly the kind of thing that the american media reading public eat up and ignore. it's bait and switch. 'oh haliburton is ethical, they are getting out of iran because that place is a bastion of unamerican-ness and a harvesting ground for terrorists'. nobody cares about anything past that.

with the latest on the story about jeff gannon, as reported by keith olbermann, what is that, the 4th 'reporter' that we have discovered in the past few months that has been funded by the bush administration. nobody cares about this because they have more important things on their mind, things that are made incredibly one-sided as you have seemingly smart people with the credentials advocating 'bush is great, listen to the man' at every turn.

they will never be held accountable. of course they won't. although you may observe bush pushing privatization of social security now and calling everyone a sissy face that doesn't agree with him, first it's not going to work and democrats are going to be viewed as an obstruction to the democratic process. second, bush won't be able to privatize anything because it doesn't withstand the scrutiny of the democrats and those in the republican party. this doesn't matter because whatever is pushed through congress will ultimately be the doing of the bush administration (in the eyes of the public). right now bush has said that he is thinking about raising the payroll tax of those who make more than $90,000.

doesn't anyone remember him calling john kerry silly for wanting to increase any sort of taxes in order to be fiscally responsible? now bush says it's something to think about. bush won't be seen as a stubborn asshole who uses everything to his political advantage, he will be seen as somebody who accepts a wide variety of possibilities for every situation. the truth is that he lambasts opposition views, but if his policy does not work, he will stubbornly adobt the opposition view and take credit for it.

it's happened before and it will happen again. bush will probably go down in history as some sort of saviour of america. and he will not have earned it, he will have stolen it.

politics is a stupid game. you can't ever prove your right unless you have the political leverage. if you have the political leverage, then you can be right, wrong, lie, cheat, steal, completely make things up, obstruct liberty, control various aspects of the 'objective' media and you always come out on top.

and the best part is the american system that perpetuates this will never be fixed. unless people start caring then it's not going to happen. and america won't ever start caring because politics happen once every 4 years. the rest of the time we spend trying to figure out what to buy next and how to get the money to buy it.

why is john kerry reaching across the aisle for bipartisan effort? sissy. democrats need to stand up and say, fuck you, you guys are dead ass wrong, you manipulate the system to the point of not following within the confines of constitutional freedom. you cannot work for bipartisanship when there is no such thing. bipartisanship is a facade that only serves to make it seem as if the republicans care what everyone thinks. obviously they don't.

welcome to american politics. it's been in the shitter for a long long time.
for further lessons in ridiculousness turn to brit hume on fox news who claims that FDR supported privatization of social security. way to go fox. twist and turn a dead man's words. that's almost sick.