Wednesday, November 03, 2004

you make me sick.

kerry '04

(collected away messages that i wrote throughout the day... i am so mad right now, the president of the united states of america lied to your face for 4 years and you let him win the popular vote. we will begin at the mccain-feingold campaign finance reform act and hopefully the american political process will be fixed. if the bush administration has shown us anything it is that we are
a. susceptible as ever to terrorist threats
b. americans are easily manipulated and do not bother to learn the truth
c. it is still easy strategy to not untruths in order to slander your opponent and it will stick.

remember. tommorow, nov. 3rd, america will be more divided than it has been in a very long time. i hope bush has someway to bring together the nation, he does not have my ears or my heart for the rest of his existence. there are few reasons for you to have voted for bush, i'm almost positive you did it for the wrong reasons. the next 4 years will open your eyes, i gurantee it. too bad for me i have to be there with you to experience it, i told you so won't mean a thing. the election wasn't about "silly liberals" it was about america acting aggressively and pre-emptively and being wrong and not being able to admit fault. it was about an admistration that kept secrets and lied to the public. i learned more about the president in the last two months than i have in the last 4 years, that's saying a lot, and it's saying he hasn't done anything for us. america you failed me and the rest of us today. thanks.)
if bush wins, history will show that he has been the worst president our country has had in a rather long time. it's almost telling enough that at least half of the country doesn't like him, if i was the president and about 150 million people didn't like me i'd think i had a problem...

if kerry wins, republicans will grumble about how great things would have been in the event of a bush victory. kerry will inherit a population completely polarized by the bush administration as well as a situation in iraq that has no better explanation than, "a big fucking mess (strategically and logistically)". If anything goes wrong trying to pull us out of this shithole, kerry will take the brunt of the blame. Half the population won't realize that they just avoided an extension of a presidency that has basically taken american domestic and international political and social progress of the united states backwards.

it's sad when you don't know your candidate's position.

*72% of bush supporters believe Iraq has/had WMD's (they didn't)
*75% of bush supporters believe Iraq was aiding al Qaeda. (they didn't)
*82% of bush supporters believe the administration told them there were WMDs/al Qaeda-Iraq connection

it's depressing that the administration has so polarized the american public that no one is willing to listen and accept truth anymore.(swiftboat veterans for truth: FALSE; Kerry flip flopping: FALSE; all fabricated)

bush did not support the department of homeland security, he did not support the creation of the 9/11 commission. is this your candidate, are you supporting him because he looked in charge 4 days after 9/11 while talking into a megaphone on a pile of rubble in nyc? your candidate has done nothing for the american public but keep secrets for 4 years. 4 more years? you're killing yourself.

if it turns out george bush wins he will have won on a combination of pandering to the christian fundamentalists of this country, creating a false characterization of his opponent, and lying to the american public.

the next 4 years will be a repeat of the nixon years, i have never ever seen a credibility gap this ridiculous in my entire life.

the worst part about it is that my friends voted for him. half of you i talked to believed the lies of campaign propaganda, if tommorow kerry is not vindicated we will have 4 more years of proof of executive ineptitude. you all make me sick.