Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Absolutely stupid

I maintain that the present-day Republican Party is one of the most awful, selfish, and callous organizations I have ever seen in my life, but there is a reason why I maintain 'independent' status on my voter registration card. As I wrote about in my last post, Democrats continue to get issues wrong, it's like they are not thinking.

As I do every night, I fire up teh internets and goto www.Huffingtonpost.com for some left wing news. The big headline is "Romney Caught Employing Illegal Immigrants, it's pretty obvious, at least to me, that this is pretty stupid; the headline that is and not Romney. What exactly has Romney done? He hired a lawn care service, said lawn care service had illegal immigrants working for him and the media (at least the Huffington Post) chose to jump on it in a big GOTCHA! moment. How are we supposed to make progress on illegal immigration when we are attacking politicians for things like this?

It is ironic that most left wing media sites would and have been completely opposed to the idea of stereotyping people by race/skin color and asking workers/neighbors for immigration papers. What are we, the Gestapo? Of course, it's completely not okay to assume that someone is an illegal immigrant because they are working for a lawn care service and look Mexican; that's not okay. But when we start to find things to embarrass a presidential front-runner about, it all of a sudden becomes no holds barred at the expense of the people that the left wing are trying to protect. How was Romney supposed to know that the lawn care service hired illegal immigrants? After it was brought to his attention that such hiring practices occurred, he brought it to their attention, how was he supposed to know that there were no more illegal immigrants working for the company and thus at his house? The expectation for him to be cognizant of these kinds of things is absolutely absurd. Can I guess who is an illegal immigrant and who isn't? No, and that's the way it should be. Let's keep the GOP out of the White House, but not like this, HuffPo should be ashamed.